The Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and the State Secretary of Infrastructure and Water Management have signed the Circular Facade Economy Agreement, underlining the importance of a circular facade economy. The industry associations involved are pleased that both ministers have signed the agreement.
This brings another step closer to the ambition of making material that was once a window, frame, door or curtain wall part of a facade in a new building. CO2- reduction, in addition to circularity, plays a key role here.
With the signing of the Circular Facade Economy Agreement by both ministries, all parties have signed. And agreed on the ambitions, goals and activities towards 2030. The signed agreement can be found on the website
The industry associations and companies are now energetically working on the first phase. In this phase, processes in the cycle and solutions are inventoried with the aim of determining directions. Subsequent phases involve piloting systems and ensuring conservation towards 2030 and beyond.
The Circular Facade Economy is an initiative of five trade associations in the facade construction industry: the Metal Windows and Facade Industry Association (VMRG), the Plastic Facade Elements Industry Association (VKG), Dutch Trade Association for the Carpentry Industry (NBVT), Bouwend Nederland Vakgroep GLAS, Vlakglas Recycling Nederland (VRN) and Algemene Branchevereniging Hang- en Sluitwerk (VHS).
With an allocation of an investment from National Growth Fund in the Future Resilient Living Environment program for the Circular Facade Economy in 2023, the resources are available to continue working on this ambition.