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Delta Plus launches dedicated PPE construction brochure

Delta Plus launches dedicated PPE construction brochure

During the Bouwbeurs in Utrecht, Delta Plus launched its specific PPE brochure for the construction industry. It has become an extremely useful overview with both insight into the PPE legislation and, based on the construction job itself, a range of carefully selected PPE solutions suitable for frequently occurring work situations.

DeltaPlusLiggendBeeldBouwbeursUtrecht2023 1

Tailored to the construction industry

The construction industry is one of the most risky (working) environments. The brochure therefore focuses on the user. The brochure is also distinguished by its clear structure. Think for example of the division into 'Rough Construction' and 'Finishing', as well as the explanation of the European standards in force. But it is also the attractive photos with clear product descriptions that catch the eye. Of course, the reader will find a list of all possible PPE solutions in the brochure. 

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