Platform on window, door, frame technology, hardware, roof and facade technology, security
New lower sills positively received
At Polyclose, visitors were very interested in the innovations of Window Technology.

New lower sills positively received

As every year, Venster Techniek also managed to surprise the trade audience with various innovations at the last Polyclose. After the EEAS plastic lifting sash solution for GEALAN profiles was presented at last year's edition, this time it was the turn of a new further developed version for the leading profile houses SCHÜCO and VEKA.

This version of EEAS, which is expected to be available from mid-May, was very positively received by the numerous attendees. The version for GEALAN has already been tested at 650 Pa and, according to the manufacturer, scores excellently in terms of wind and water tightness. The new under sill for SCHÜCO and VEKA will also be subjected to this stringent test.

In addition, a second new invention from Venster Techniek could be admired in all its glory in Ghent: the EEVD SCHÜCO CT70, a customer-specific flat profile sill for chalet construction. This invention, which will also be on the market in mid-May, also attracted a great deal of interest from visitors.

A third novelty at the show was a locking plate for double doors that can be placed in the center of the sill, reducing the possibility of errors.

All in all, sales manager Herben Heino of Venster Techniek therefore shows himself satisfied with the course of the trade fair. "We can look back on a very fine edition of Polyclose. Admittedly, the fair got off to a somewhat slow start on Wednesday, but on Thursday and Friday this was more than made up for."

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