Platform on window, door, frame technology, hardware, roof and facade technology, security
Quick work with RecyClick anchors

Working quickly with RecyClick anchors

To keep construction lead times as short as possible, window frames are increasingly being delivered to construction projects fully prepared and glazed. RecyStel is responding to this development with the RecyClick anchors. 

This is a spring system made of stainless steel which can be easily assembled so that any type of window frame can be fitted in this way. The stainless steel spring systems can easily be screwed to the reveal side of the frame. Then the frames can be easily clicked into the frame from the outside.

RecyClick single angled

Click and the frame sits

With RecyClick RecyStel has a stainless steel spring system that is easy to install, in adjustment frames for new buildings and in renovation profiles. RecyClick is ideally suited for plastic window frames because drilling through is no longer necessary. When drilling through, the steel core of a plastic window frame is exposed to the weather, which can cause it to rust. Aluminium and wooden window frames can also be fixed to the frame with RecyClick in no time. In the case of wooden window frames, a lime rebate is required for clamping the springs - a solution that RecyStel has used successfully on several occasions.

Applicable in new and renovation construction

The system is made so that it can be used both in frames for new construction and in a renovation profile. When the final window frames arrive, it's just a matter of placing the frames in the set frame. Then press on until you hear the "click. The finishing (frame filling out) can then take place. 

Recyclick single frontal

Director Theo van Gorkom of RecyStel: "A major advantage of the RecyClick anchors is that it is no longer necessary to drill into the window frame, which also means that the air chambers (in the case of plastic window frames) remain intact. Moreover, cracking due to expansion or contraction of the frame is no longer an issue. So a quick way of carefully assembling the window frames."

Advantages of the RecyClick anchor system

  • Speed of installation. Drilling in the frame is a thing of the past.
  • A RecyClick anchor can be placed closer to the corners of the frame than traditional screws. These must be placed at least 25 cm from the corner while a RecyClick anchor is placed 10 cm from the corner. The closer to the corner, the less the deflection of the profile is.
  • Since the frame is clicked, there is still room for expansion due to heat or contraction due to cold. As a result, the window frame no longer creaks-a good solution to a long-standing and bothersome problem.

Available from stock via webshop

Like all RecyStel frame profiles, the RecyClick anchors are also available from stock via the web shop. "We supply professional processors such as frame specialists and contractors, but also private individuals. The demand for well-insulating and maintenance-free solutions is also growing among that target group," says Van Gorkom. "For those interested, we also have a free sample box which we send out free of charge. That gives a good idea of the choice of different frame profiles and the anchor system we offer."

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