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Sustainable renovation with frame profiles from Recystel

Sustainable renovation with frame profiles from Recystel

In the booming renovation market, as in new construction, the requirements around seamless sealing of seams and gaps in the façade are becoming increasingly stringent. RecyStel offers an extensive range of sustainable and circular plastic frame profiles for wooden, plastic and aluminum window frames. "Cold bridges are no longer an issue with our frame profiles," says director Theo van Gorkom of RecyStel.

Why do you use a frame profile in the first place?

A frame profile is lath or frame that is inserted into the wall opening (cavity) of a building, forming the connection between the exterior and interior walls. Thanks to the frame profile, the final installation frame sits much more securely in the cavity and prevents damage. Because the mounting frame is not anchored in the cavity, there is less risk of cracks and damage in the interior wall. Moreover, the risk of loosening of the frame is cleverly overcome. However, the main function of the mounting frame profile is to ensure proper and durable crack sealing and wind and water tightness and to prevent drafts in the cavity wall.

RecyStel frame profiles comprise more than 95% of recycled materials

More than 95% of RecyStel's sustainable frame profiles consist of recycled materials, mostly from old window frames, leftover pieces and saw waste. "The material we use for production is high-quality PVC, which is completely free of plasticizers," says Van Gorkom.

Recystel frame profiles have a significantly longer service life than wood

The biggest advantage of plastic frame profiles is their stable quality. "Plastic is insensitive to weathering, does not absorb moisture, does not rot or mold, and there is no warping either. The plastic window frame profiles therefore have a much longer life than wooden variants and require considerably less maintenance," says Van Gorkom. "No painting is required and no protective and moisture-resistant DPC films are needed."

For processors, the foamed profiles do have the same favorable properties as wood. "They can easily saw, mill, drill and perform other operations on the frame profiles without risk of cracking. It also makes them suitable for timber frame construction projects. Because the profiles are extruded to the hundredth of a millimeter, there are no variables in width and thickness. The frame profiles can also be cut to exactly the right length," Van Gorkom outlines. "Moreover, the material can be recycled as many as ten times. "That makes our frame profiles many times more durable than wood."

RecyStel frame profiles have excellent thermal insulation. 

After the collected plastic is granulated, a special gas is added to the frame profiles during the extrusion process, causing them to foam up. Van Gorkom: "The result is a 'recycled foamed PVC' with good thermal insulation. With a U-value of 0.38 W/m²K, our thermal insulation performance is up to 40% better than standard plastic." This also makes the frame profiles ideally suited for passive house constructions, Zero-Meter homes and (B)ENG projects.

Available from stock via webshop

All RecyStel frame profiles are available from stock through the web shop. "We supply professional processors such as frame specialists and contractors, but also private individuals. The demand for well-insulating and maintenance-free solutions is also growing among that target group," says Van Gorkom. "For those interested, we have also put together a free sample box that we send free of charge. That gives a good idea of the choice of different frame profiles we offer."

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