Platform on window, door, frame technology, hardware, roof and facade technology, security
Watertight window sill and sill connections thanks to innovative support system
This system is delivered as one custom-made unit. The installer only needs to install the plastic side profiles and perform bonding with the window.

Watertight window sill and sill connections thanks to innovative support system

Base material for 100% from recycled PET bottles

Window sills and sills are considered the Achilles' heel of building physics. A poor connection with window and building envelope causes water infiltration resulting in mold and damage to facade and masonry. Today, window sill and sill connections can be made watertight down to the smallest corners using Fixotherm, a support system made of KerdynTM Green FR sheets. This base material consists of the full 100 % of recycled PET bottles. In the Benelux, this revolutionary solution, developed in Austria, is distributed by Belga Plastics.

This revolutionary solution provides a windowsill or sill connection that is watertight to the smallest corners.

With a large booth, one certainly stands out during a trade show. However, the products are still the most important link for success. Unique, innovative solutions attract the visitor's attention immediately. At Belga Plastics, they have understood this message for some time now. Four years ago, for example, the company from Melle introduced the Phonotherm® records for the Benelux and also during this edition they are once again unwrapping a real newcomer of stature for the same markets. 

Fixotherm, based on KerdynTM Green FR boards, is in fact a support system that ensures that window sill and sill connections are and remain completely watertight. This custom solution also scores highly in terms of insulation and can also be processed and assembled very easily.

"Manfred Froschauer, the inventor of this product, had often encountered problems caused by water infiltration during renovation work as a window installer: mold growth, as well as water and building damage to the masonry or facade. During a seminar, an expert had also made it clear that whoever installed the window sill or sill was immediately liable for that damage. So he went looking for a simple, quick-to-fit solution to solve this moisture problem," says Frank Putteneers, structural engineer specializing in air sealing at Belga Plastics. 

"He created a complete support system based on KerdynTM Green FR boards. Together with window manufacturers and installers, a lot of testing was done. Finally, a prototype was built, which passed the thorough tests at an external body with flying colors. Meanwhile, the patented Fixotherm is already being used by many installers in Austria and we decided to distribute the product in the Benelux."

Fixotherm is constructed using KerdynTM Green FR boards. These are moisture and temperature resistant, highly insulating, dimensionally stable and easy to process.

Based on recycled PET bottles

Fixotherm is a complete solution, consisting of four components: a connection profile under the window, a supporting profile for the cantilevered windowsill or sill, a leakage threshold in plastic and a closing profile on the sides, also in plastic. It is custom-made according to the insulation material in the facade and the required cantilever. 

"The KerdynTM Green FR sheets, which form the basis for this product, are extruded from recycled material from plastic bottles. About 6,500 PET bottles are required for 1 m³ of raw material for the 180 m³ density version," Putteneers explains. "These sheets are very light and excel for their moisture resistance, strong insulating capacity, pressure resistance, flexural strength and dimensional stability. They also do not break easily, are temperature resistant and have a high resistance to chemicals.

Easy processing

Belga Plastics delivers Fixotherm ready-made to the joiner, door placer or frame builder. He only has to apply the side plates and glue and screw the complete solution onto the window. The plates are available as standard with a dimension of 2440 x 1250 mm and available in thicknesses from 10 to 200 mm. "Even though this is a well thought-out product with many properties, its processing and gluing remains child's play. Thus processing is done just like wood, that is, on ordinary woodworking machines," concludes Frank Putteneers. "The material can be sawn and milled without burr formation. To achieve larger dimensions, two or more boards are joined together using dowels and gluing. PU-based adhesives are used for this purpose. Visit our booth at Polyclose for even more information around this revolutionary product."    

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