When Henk Weber and Didier Holslag of KUFA Raamsystemen from IJmuiden are asked how they experienced the recently held Bouwbeurs in Utrecht, almost simultaneously a broad smile appears on their faces. Satisfaction prevails. "We were really incredibly busy, there was an unprecedented number of visitors, but we did notice that there were a lot of private individuals. Actually, that shouldn't be the intention - it is, after all, a trade fair - but still we were happy with it. Because, they asked us different and interesting questions. The conversations we had as a result provided us with an even better insight into what the end user thinks, wishes and wants."
In fact, Didier states that there were very concrete learning moments. "For example, I learned during the fair days that consumer-individuals are not concerned with the format of the profiles. That is not an issue for them at all. It just has to look neat for a private individual. It's really that simple. Yes, subconsciously I actually knew all that already, but it was nice to see how consumers articulated this to us. That gave us a new awareness."
Apart from these nice interactions with individuals, KUFA Window Systems reports that through this fair it also has many new partners
may welcome.
"Of course, we also know that not every visitor in Utrecht literally visited our booth and that many people were just passers-by. But something interesting did happen in the weeks that followed, because the run-up at our office in IJmuiden was suddenly higher than normal. Yes, these were people, from potential partners to various job companies, who had seen something out of the corner of their eye from our stand or had heard in the corridors about the renovation profile, which was the core of our message in Utrecht. They did not want to repress their curiosity and they entered our stand in IJmuiden. Some even drove more than an hour to be informed. Super nice of course!"
When asked what were the most discussed topics at the booth, Henk and Didier can list three most frequently asked questions:
1. Who developed this innovative renovation profile - the RenoS9000®?
2. What are the concrete benefits of this renovation profile?
3. What can you do if it turns out that a window frame is actually rotten?
1. Who has this renovation profile - the RenoS9000® - developed?
Didier: "When this question was asked, the moment arose when we could tell the real story. And the answer is simple: we are the creators and developers. When I look back at the first drawings and sketches of this renovation profile, I sometimes jokingly think, 'That was a darn clever idea. Why hasn't anyone else ever thought of this before?'"
But isn't this often the case with great revolutionary innovative ideas? Didier has to laugh. "Well, someone in the market naturally once asked how 'we' viewed renovation challenges. And well, then at some point an idea occurs to you that we should develop a profile for that."
Henk adds: "Yes, that's how it happened. That exact beginning, that first idea, which then grows then into a concrete plan. At a certain point we presented our thoughts and first drawings to Gealan: they dared to invest. They understood very well that the market was waiting for a renovation profile that would also enable people to achieve the A-label in terms of sustainability. The time was ripe for it."
2. What are the concrete benefits of this renovation profile?
Henk lists the advantages. "If you use this renovation profile, you prevent damage to the stucco on the inside. Even wallpaper just stays put. There is no masonry falling out: so residents experience less inconvenience during the installation work. Clearly, even old homes are now easier to upgrade in terms of insulation. The spirit of the times is right: after all, everyone has it
about sustainability."
"Not to mention the fact that for the contractor it also saves quite a bit of time. You can work faster. You need fewer people and there are almost no surveying risks."
3. What can you do if a window frame is found to be rotten?
"You would almost forget it sometimes, but of course we still sell all other common series!" so state Didier and Henk. "Whether recessed, flat or upright profiles."
"Sometimes it also happens that only part of a window frame is rotten. Well: then you replace only the rotted part. Not the whole profile."
"The RenoS9000® so has actually in recent years become a broad addition to our regular range. This was also the sound we heard at the fair. Visitors see that we have set a broad standard that the market really can no longer ignore."
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