Platform on window, door, frame technology, hardware, roof and facade technology, security
Lecot offers a digital platform where profile systems and assembly materials are aligned.
The specialists from both partners worked everything out to the last detail and are now in constant contact to add new products.

Lecot offers a digital platform where profile systems and mounting materials are aligned.

The window and door technology market has experienced a major evolution in recent years. Then we are not only talking about the changes in terms of laws and regulations, but we are also talking about the move toward automation and digitalization. Since CNC machines are now more accessible to smaller companies, the demand for automation and suitable control programs is growing. Lecot invested in employees to advise and support customers in the programs of different software houses. For example, Lecot has worked closely with Orgadata for many years.

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Lecot and Orgadata work closely together. Logikal users have access to Lecot's products, which they can integrate directly into their designs.

The bond between Lecot and Orgadata is all about digitization and thus will only become more important in the future. The software house is known for its Logikal package, which is used by manufacturers of windows, doors and facades to design, calculate and construct their products in plastic, steel and aluminum. "For years, Logikal users have also had access to our quality products, which they can integrate directly into their designs. Window and door manufacturers can generate their order forms in this software and send them to us digitally," says Karel Vanderweeën, group manager of window and door technology Belgium at Lecot. 

"As a result, you get clear order lists, automatically filled in and provided with all the important elements, such as item number, item description and quantity. Prices and machine operations can also be easily integrated."

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With Lecot Optimont, processors have a database, which is tailored to all common profile systems and mounting materials.

Lecot Optimont

The close cooperation between Lecot and Orgadata is reflected in the Optimont concept, which offers processors many advantages at all levels: from calculation over work preparation to assembly. After all, with this platform from Lecot, they have at their disposal a database that is tailored to all common profile systems and assembly materials. 

"The starting point is always the function of the window and door. Users see at a glance the type of locking through clear images. Based on the profile system, a lock system with the correct mandrel size, faceplate and striker plates is also automatically selected," explains Jeroen De Wilde, responsible for sales of window and door technology Netherlands at Lecot. 

"Processors get a clear synthesis of all the elements they need to work smoothly: screws, adhesives, airtight films, hardware, ..., including hardware. Thus, everything that is possible with a particular window fitting is displayed and the information around locks, electronic components, panic door solutions and door closers, for example, is also integrated. One has access to technical data, prices and conditions of the products, as well as all milling and drilling operations. The hardware supplier's documentation forms the basis. All that data can be imported directly to e-mail, e-shop, EDI solutions and, in the latest version, Logikal 12, also to an EOS module for ordering without an ERP package. This is an especially important step for smaller companies."

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Lecot continues to invest in products, personnel and software, but also completed a new building.

Continue to optimize

The increasing importance of digitization is also evidenced by the fact that Lecot invested in staff to support customers in Orgadata's Logikal software. "The main benefits of our close cooperation are efficiency in production processes, cost savings, time savings and error reduction. If a customer still does not manage it on its own, our experts help optimize presets and define a customer-specific standard in Logikal," says Kees Blok, who is responsible within Lecot for the implementation of software, including Orgadata's Logikal. 

"Our database is profile-independent, so there is always a technical, perfectly fitting and certified solution. We therefore have continuous contact with the specialists at Orgadata and with our suppliers to keep the database up-to-date and to add new elements."

Paul Thyssen, director Orgadata Benelux, concludes, "Both for Lecot and for us this intensive cooperation is an important basis for further growth. We continue to invest heavily in the optimization of Logikal. As of version 12, assembly can be done completely paperless. Drawings and assembly manuals are provided digitally and can be visualized at the workplace. With Datasafe software, a small QR code provides information about who made which element. The customer also gets an overview of the parts and one can see directly via smartphone or tablet what maintenance needs to be done. In short: digitization across the board."    

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