When choosing a facade frame, detailing, layout and material type play a crucial role in the overall operating costs of a building. It is well known that plastic window frames score well in terms of lifetime costs, but this has now been demonstrated by independent research. The lifetime costs for the most commonly used wood types are on average twice as high as for a facade frame in plastic in a comparable situation. You are also significantly more expensive with aluminum.
The reason for the study was to back up the general idea that plastic is a cost-effective choice for façade frames with figures, begins Albert Zegelaar, VKG director. "This has been confirmed in the past, but that research has since expired. We have therefore asked two independent parties - IGG Bouweconomie and Ingenii Bouwinnovatie - to look at how the flag is flying anno 2024. The aim is to give housing corporations and contractors insight into the costs of purchasing and maintaining different materials for facade frames, based on the weighted average of the maintenance requirements of various market parties."
The study focused on the most common housing types in the Netherlands according to the RVO report 'Example houses 2022': terraced houses, semi-detached houses, detached houses, apartments and flats/gallery houses. The following frame materials were considered: meranti, accoya, finti, aluminum and plastic. "Of course, purchasing costs alone don't get you there," Albert states. "The study analyzed the effect between the different materials over a lifetime of 25, 50 and 75 years. Serious numbers came out of that. On average, plastic is the cheapest to purchase, and viewed over a 75-year lifespan, the difference in maintenance costs even runs as high as 80%!"
Each type of frame material requires specific periodic work to ensure quality, Albert rightly says. "If you look at the total cost of purchase as well as maintenance between the different materials and the weighted average of homes common in the Netherlands, the average cost savings of a plastic window frame over 25 years is 16,500 euros compared to a meranti window frame. That's a savings of 58%. The difference with accoya and finti is slightly less, but still significant at just under 10,000 euros over 25 years. The maintenance cost of aluminum is almost identical to plastic, but aluminum is much more expensive to buy. That explains the difference in operating costs of 7,500 euros over 25 years in favor of plastic."
So the independent research shows that it pays to make a good consideration in the preliminary process for the right type of frame material, says Albert. "Not only for the initial investment, but also for the long-term operating costs. Choosing plastic is not only by far the most cost-effective option, but also environmentally responsible. Through the VKG Recycling System, depreciated plastic window frames are recycled for 100%."